so yeah some faggot in tehdezzz collab 4GOT 2 reAD teHDE'z suPA duPA n***AtASTIC leTTER so NOW tehDe coLLAB bAR dAH movIE coLLAB dAH moVIE exTENDED 2 ocTUOOBAR dAH 20 shahahAA1!! maYBE shAaaa.
TehDe ShiTE loVEz aLL hIZ chiLdrENS. tEHDe mISS teDHEanuS riGHt nOW... shAaaaaaa......
Age 83, Male
MaSta anD buTTfuCker
Biogradska Gora
Joined on 10/25/08
Posted by TehdeShite - September 20th, 2009
so yeah some faggot in tehdezzz collab 4GOT 2 reAD teHDE'z suPA duPA n***AtASTIC leTTER so NOW tehDe coLLAB bAR dAH movIE coLLAB dAH moVIE exTENDED 2 ocTUOOBAR dAH 20 shahahAA1!! maYBE shAaaa.
iS ITt oUT YeT???? cHaAAaA??!!?!?!!
Most successful troll of the day.
tEHDe SHIte gOT bIGGer dICK dAN U!11
teHde ShItE cuM u faGgOt
hOW CarELISS oF hiM 2 fERRgEtt tO rEED i iS EaGGeRLY wAiTiNG 4 iT to Cum! N***a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!