TheDeShiTE iZ hoStinG daH tehDeSHite coLLAb gAMEs aT nEWGrouNDS dOT cUm!!!!@&#@ teHde wiLL incluDE deS luCKY 7!!!:
tehDe SHite - teHDE scIENTiST, litTle tehDE biTS!!
TehDebuTTcheEKs - tehDE loVE! <3
tehDecuNT - teHDe soNAta ( FINISHED)
tehDedOUCheBAg -???
tehDEteSticLES-teHDe theATer
biGfATteHDe-tehDe dinNer
sHA anD TehDEanUS!!-???
iF anY tehDEz nEd suM muSIc, plEASe aSK tehDEanUS niCELY!! hE goT dEM fAGGOT emOTIONs shAaaaa. 8====D dAH deAD liNE 4 diS shITE iS sATurDaY daH 26h!! u can usE anY fpS yoU waNT!!!!
anY otheR tehDE waTChazz daT waNNa joiN talK to teHDEshITE sHAHAHA!! nO teHDEhaTazz alOUD!1
i'Ll Do iT!!!1 BuTt MaShTaH, teLl Mi WhAt To Do, Or WhO tO do. :3